Jalsa Salana Germany 2014

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13/06/2014 - 12:00am
MTA International
Available Translation
Arabic, English, Indonesian, Malayalam, Pashtu, Russian, Sindhi, Spanish, Swahili, Tamil

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih delivered his Friday sermon in Germany today. The German Jalsa Salana commenced with the sermon. Huzoor expressed hope for good Jalsa attendance as the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) repeatedly drew attention to the blessings of coming to Jalsa. Thus, even if one has to experience inconvenience, one must try ones best to come to Jalsa. Ahmadis living in the West are fortunate that they can hold Jalsa and other gatherings. They should be grateful for this opportunity and in gratefulness they should fully avail of the Jalsa programme. Ahmadis in Pakistan face restrictions in this regard and endure agony and yearn to be able to hold Jalsa and be recipients of its promised blessings. Some visitors to German Jalsa from Pakistan met Huzoor and sobbed with deep emotions at the helplessness they face in Pakistan. Huzoor repeated his advice that Pakistani Ahmadis should turn to God with greater fervour in order to see change.

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that the objective of Jalsa Salana was to obtain faith with patience and to only seek faith from Jalsa.

Huzoor drew attention of the Jalsa duty-holders to discharge their duty with patience and steadfastness and to seek God’s pleasure. And Huzoor drew attention of the attendees to the fact that coming to Jalsa should be only to learn about faith and work at spiritual development.

The Promised Messiah said that he repeatedly advises to purify one’s eyes and make them as spiritually bright as they are physically bright. He also said that salvation is attained by those who are disenchanted and free from worldly sentiments. He said unless the heart prostrates before God in humility, physical prostration is pointless.

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that the qiyam (standing posture) of the heart is to be firm on Divine commandments and its raku (bowing with hands on knees posture) was to turn to God and the heart’s sajdah (prostration posture) was to give away one’s self for the sake of God. Praying, he also said that may God purify the hearts of the people of his Jama’at and by extending His mercy and grace may God turn their hearts towards Him.

When our physical eye hurts we go and see a doctor and take pains to make it better and take precautions in this regard. Do we make similar efforts for our spiritual eye? We may pay attention to the discourses of the three-day Jalsa, but once Jalsa is over we go back in the wider world and return to old form. The three days of Jalsa are remedy for spiritually ill eyes and the rest of the time is time for aftercare.

Spiritual sustenance of Jalsa helps us in paying the dues of God and dues of mankind and absence of this causes distress. For example when young women from Pakistan and other places come to Western countries after marriage, they feel homesick and their parents are also worried about them. Their husband and in-laws are unfair to them and on top of that a woman has to face societal scrutiny. People who are unfair in such matters due to their personal egos etc. should fear God. At times office-holders do not fear God and get involved in the unfairness.

We should reflect on the heart-felt words of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). Can we honestly say that we avoid all form of evil? Can we say, bearing God Witness that we avoid all foul matters and do not inflict pain on anyone? Do we pay the dues of God and of mankind? Are our hearts cleansed or are we trying to cleanse them? If not, then it is great cause for concern. Do we prostrate in humility which would be accepted by God? The Holy Qur’an has clearly stated regarding those who Pray for display: ‘So woe to those who Pray.’ (107:5) May none of us ever incur God’s displeasure!

We should perform qiyam, raku and sajdah in the manner that God likes and to set models of which the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) came. Heart’s qiya

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